Simple… Maybe Too Simple

I may be giving my age away when I say that the riverboat in Disney World (and Land) is one of my favorite rides. This is where I go when I need a break from all of the chaos and crowds. It’s so relaxing to float down the river, see the sights, and do a little people watching. The cherry on top? There’s never a wait, except for the time it takes for the boat to return. Yes, it is truly my happy place.

Of course I needed to make a layout chronicling one of my absolutely favorite experiences. The starting point for this layout was actually that little “Adventures Await” card. I knew I wanted to use it with my riverboat photos. So, using the colors from the boat on the card, I chose my papers. This layout only called for two patterned papers, a cardstock background, and colored cardstock to mat the cut-aparts and create my Mickey embellishments. That blue polka-dot paper is from a paper pad that I think I bought back in 2006 o 2007.

I used a sketch because two-pagers are my kryptonite. In this case, I chose a sketch designed for 5 photos even though I only had 4. I used the journal card in place of the fifth photo. (That’s a great way to get journaling cards or cut-aparts out of you stash and onto a page!) I liked the simplicity of the layout. I also liked that I didn’t need multiple sheets of the same patterned paper. I usually only buy one of each, so I sometimes have trouble with two-page layouts. This layout did make me fudge a little bit since I had very little paper left for the right hand side of the page. I wish I had just a tad bit more patterned paper to fill out that side a little more.

Once the papers and photos were placed, I had quite a bit of room for embellishment. Sadly, I didn’t have a great plan. The first thing I did was place the cute little riverboat card. I knew I wanted it at a slight angle. I also knew I wanted to sprinkle a few small items around it. My enamel dots seemed too small. Then I realized it was the perfect opportunity to use my Mickey head dies. So I found a good sized blue scrap and started cutting Mickeys. Though the scrap was a little small for what I wanted, I cheated a bit. You see those partial heads? I didn’t have enough paper to cut entire heads. In this case, it didn’t matter because I only needed a bit to peek out. Then I sorted through my Disney die-cuts. I found a few to help fill in the left hand side, including one that could be used as a title. I decided to also use the gold stars that I had left.

I do have some mixed feelings. The page on the right has a bit too much white space for my liking, but it also gives a nice visual break. The page on the left is pretty busy due to the patterned papers. Maybe they balance each other out. I honestly do love the Mickey heads and the riverboat card. So, overall this is a win for me.

Disney tip: If you are going to do Disney, make sure you take breaks either inside or outside of the park. For me, the riverboat is a little slice of calm. Some people prefer the air conditioning of indoor attractions such as Living with the Land in Epcot, or having a sit down meal. I also recommend taking a midday break if you want to be in the park at rope drop and closing. We took the opportunity to enjoy our resort during the busy afternoon hours. It allowed us to hit the parks refreshed in the evening.